Paul Wright Group Health & Safety Director, BIFFA
Paul Wright has worked in health, safety and environmental management for over 20 years, and has held numerous senior health and safety roles. He has worked in global engineering and environmental services organisations along with working on mega projects including the London 2012 Olympic Park and Venues and the Hinkley Point C New Nuclear Power Station.
He is a passionate enthusiast for attaining excellence in leadership, risk management and workforce engagement.
Presentation: DRoPS – Driving Recklessly on Pavements (DRoPS)
Paul will talk about a key safety issue which affects kerbside waste and recycling collection teams - car drivers mounting pavements to manoeuvre around parked or operating refuse vehicles. Paul will provide insights into the DRoPS campaign highlighting the key issues associated with this risk, and to raise awareness of this issue and opportunities to prevent and reduce the number of DRoPS related incidents.