Geoff Clarke, Regional Director, Freight & Logistics, AECOM
Geoff Clarke is a Regional Director with extensive knowledge of the transport industry with 23 years’ experience in front line transport and distribution management and 14 years in consultancy. Geoff’s industrial career included time as a Distribution Manager where he was responsible for fleet and operations efficiency and has considerable experience in project work and change management in a complex and budget driven business environment.
Since joining AECOM Geoff has been involved in numerous safety related projects for Highways England, DfT, TfGM, FORS and TfL. He was Technical Manager for Freight Best Practice and is currently Project Director for TfL’s new TimeSmart fleet operator training programme and Highway’s England’s Commercial Vehicle Incident Prevention Teams ‘Prevention of HGV fires project’.
Presentation: Incident prevention and fatigue management
The management of fatigue within the transport industry is a growing concern, due to advanced vehicle design and ever improving ergonomics and the need to operate on a 24/7 basis to satisfy rising customer demand requiring ‘just in time’ deliveries. There is a clear, obvious and understated need to address fatigue management.
The management of HGV drivers is often undertaken in a time-pressured commercial rhythm, of which the tempo demands the need to meet schedules and deadlines - sometimes overruling the consideration of effective fatigue management. Therefore, the management of driver fatigue is equally, if not more important, to be understood by those who have managerial responsibility (at each level) within an organisation.
Geoff will introduce TfL’s new TimeSmart fatigue management programme, explain what the difference is between sleepiness and fatigue, outline what the causes and impacts of fatigue are and illustrate how fleet operators can better manage fatigue within their organisation.