Dr Andy Kemp, Road Risk Reduction Coordinator, Kent Fire & Rescue Service
Andy Kemp joined KFRS from Tesco where, as National Driver Safety Manager, he was instrumental in Tesco winning many occupational road risk awards and improving driver safety.
He achieved a 1st Class Honours in ORR with Middlesex University before moving on to his Doctorate in work based learning.
Andy is a DfBB ambassador and was invited to join KFRS to support the development and introduction of CCTV, telematics and other new technology including hybrid fire engines.
Presentation: A modern fire and rescue service, constantly exploring methods to provide value for money and quality public service
This presentation will explore what can be achieved in working with a philosophy of 'Newer, Smarter, Greener’. It will cover the issues that KFRS looked at and the methodologies introduced to embark on a journey of innovation.